AI+x Workshop

Biotechnology, Fall 2022


This course is a hands-on introduction to leveraging the power of deep learning for solving crucial problems in the field of biotechnology. Deep learning is a field of AI that deals with learning relevant information from large amounts of data in order to maximize performance on a given task. Recently, we have witnessed impressive strides in applying deep learning research to problems in biotechnology. Here, the two main goals are to brainstorm future research trajectories and the understanding of how AI can be applied to biological problems. We will cover a gentle introduction to the fundamentals of deep learning and biotechnology, and the recent advances. We will also have hands-on project/hackathon sessions to learn to apply AI to biotech problems. This course is geared towards either the AI researcher wanting to expand their horizons to the biotech space, or a biotechnologist looking to learn to apply AI to their research.


As of now, these meetings are invitation-only. Please sign-up here if you would like to be invited.

Workshop Leads

© 2022 Arijit Ray. Email array at bu dot edu or sandra at goll dot at if you have any questions.